
Showing posts from September, 2023

Erysipelas In The Medical Casebook

"Confidential report into an outbreak of 26 cases of erysipelas, in patients admitted for other reasons, resulting in 5 deaths.” [23]   This Week We are continuing our look at rarer diseases which feature in the book, and having a look at erysipelas. This is quite an old-fashioned diagnosis, but I still occasionally use the term for specific skin infections.   News The book is now published and is fully available, which is a very exciting moment for me as a first-time author. The Medical Casebook of Sherlock Holmes and Dr John Watson is available from all good bookstores including Amazon USA , Barnes and Noble , Amazon UK and additional formats like Kindle .   Erysipelas Erysipelas + Sherlock We continue the plot of “ The Adventure Of The Illustrious Client ” with our look at erysipelas. In our Leprosy chapter, we left Holmes and Watson, along with Kitty Winter, failing to convince Violet De Merville that her fiancĂ©e, Baron Gruner, is manipulating her. Two day

Leprosy In The Medical Casebook

  This Week I said last week that we would next have a look at a short chapter in leprosy … but the chapter is actually fairly long, as I found lots of interesting information in the Victorian textbooks on what was an important [and scary] medical condition at the time.   Leprosy Leprosy + Sherlock Leprosy plays a key role in “ The Adventure Of The Blanched Soldier ”. The story is narrated by Holmes, as Watson has “ deserted him for a wife . ”   Holmes is engaged by an ex-soldier, James M Dodd, who is trying to make contact with his close friend Godfrey Emsworth. Dodd visits the family house, where he is prevented from seeing Godfrey by his father, Colonel Emsworth. That night, whilst looking out of his bedroom window. “He was outside the window, Mr Holmes, with his face pressed against the glass. I have told you that I looked out at the night. When I did so I left the curtains partly open. His figure was framed in this gap. The window came down to the ground and I could

Ischaemic Heart Disease In The Medical Casebook

  This Week We are having a second week looking at Victorian heart disease, looking at Ischaemic Heart Disease. This is a more modern disease term, comprising myocardial infarctions [heart attacks] and angina pectoris. Strangely Victorian physicians had a clear understanding of angina, but not of myocardial infarctions.   The Illustrator Our sample chapter features an incredibly detailed illustration by Alex Holt. Alex Holt is an artist specialising in original ink illustrations. He has a special interest in Comic Art, single image illustrations and covers. Alex is a student of the Edinburgh Atelier of Fine Art. He works in private commissions and commercial projects. More of his work can be found in Instagram @alexholtart.   Sherlock Holmes And The Adventure Of The Ordered Occupations Another story to accompany publication of The Medical Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes And Dr John Watson. Dr Watson attends a hansom cab accident on Kensington High Street, in which a fello

Heart Failure In The Medical Casebook

  Heart anatomy:- “Illustration of left side heart anatomy from Gray’s Anatomy.” [7] This Week We’ll start 2 weeks looking at heart disease. The book has 3 chapters on heart disease – looking at Heart Failure [which is the subject this week], Ischaemic Heart Disease and Valvular Heart Disease. As you might expect, developing any heart disease would have been very serious in Victorian times.   Sherlock Holmes And The Adventure Of The Ordered Occupations Another story to accompany publication of The Medical Casebook Of Sherlock Holmes And Dr John Watson. Dr Watson attends a hansom cab accident on Kensington High Street, in which a fellow general practitioner is seriously injured. Acting as a locum for his colleague, Watson is called to a mysterious death. Sherlock Holmes is asked for help, and discovers another similar death. Unravelling the mystery makes full use of Watson’s medical knowledge, but can our heroes prevent further deaths? Available from the Amazon Kindle